The Word For Today
Are you trying your best to serve the Lord, yet you sometimes doubt your salvation? Though you are unaware of any particular sin in your life, you still feel unworthy to stand in God's presence, confident of His acceptance. Read this Scripture. Better yet, write it down and carry it with you: 'Perfect love casts out fear.' Now, if God loved you with an imperfect love you'd have cause to worry. man's love, which is imperfect, keeps a list of sins and consults it often. But not God's love! The moment you place your trust in Christ He views you as 'righteous' and fully accepted from that point on. His love casts out your fear because it casts out your sin. Do you remember these words from Jon's epistle? 'If our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.' (1 John 3:20 NKJV) That means it's possible to be forgiven, yet feel unforgiven. So when you feel unforgiven, doubt your feelings instead of doubting God. Don't give your emotions a vote. Go back to Scripture. God's Word outranks all self-criticism and self-doubt. As Paul told Titus: 'The grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people... You must teach these things... You have the authority.' (Titus 2:11-15 NLT) Are you trusting in Christ as your Saviour? Then begin to live boldly and robustly. Nothing fosters courage like a clear grasp of grace. 'If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.' (1 John 1:9 NKJV) Note the words, 'All unrighteousness.' Having received God's forgiveness, live forgiven!
God bless!
~ Taleisha
~ Taleisha
Amen! SUCH a good 'word for today'! Thank you so much for sharing, it was just what I needed!
ReplyDeleteNo worries Payton :) God bless x
Delete:D Awesome Taleisha! Something I really love to do is to memorize a bible verse stating my forgiveness, and when I feel horrible and sinful, I repeat to myself over and over the verse. I am FORGIVEN! No matter what I feel. I am LOVED, no matter what I feel. I am being made better, no matter what I feel! :)
I thought you would have liked this one Meggie :) It's a great feeling to know that we are forgiven through Christ! xx